Take advantage of COP28
Dutch climate technology
This autumn, the United Arab Emirates is hosting [COP28](link https://www.cop28.com/), the UN’s main climate conference. The aim of the conference is to discuss measures to combat climate change and limit global warming. In Het Financieele Dagblad (Dutch Paper), Climate Envoy Jaime de Bourbon de Parme calls on the Dutch business community to take advantage of this conference. He uses H2Fuel as an example of how we in the Netherlands are leading the way in climate innovations. Of course we support his message.
Read the whole article here: https://fd.nl/opinie/1490145/vn-klimaatconferentie-in-dubai-heeft-meer-oog-voor-bedrijfsleven-ook-dat-van-nederland
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Take advantage of COP28
Dutch climate technology
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